+-------------------------------------------+ | Q u a l i S o f t | | | | P r o g r a m D e s c r i p t i o n s | +-------------------------------------------+ This document contains brief descriptions of all QualiSoft Public Domain and Shareware programs. The programs described here - as well as other files referred to - were originally introduced on the QS-PUSHRPAK ("QualiSoft Public Domain and Shareware Package") diskette, which has now been phased out. Instead, you may download the individual files from QualiSoft's Website. The programs are written for DOS, but their use is not restricted to DOS PCs only. In fact, they will run on any PC that offers a DOS environment The only exception is LOCKPC, which is used to lock a "real" DOS PC. If your PC does not have a built-in DOS environment, you can install a DOS emulator, for example vDosPlus or DOSBox which will both run most DOS programs as they would on a dedicated DOS PC. Recently, some useful Windows command scripts (batch files) have also been included. They may be used on Windows XP and later Windows ver- sions, but you should not expect them to run on older versions of Win- dows or on DOS. QualiSoft Shareware programs are available in an "unregistered" as well as a "registered" version. The program descriptions below apply to the registered versions. In the unregistered versions, some features will be left out or limited compared to the registered versions. If you are not quite sure what the "Shareware" concept actually means, then you should read the section "General information about Shareware" at the end of this document before using any Shareware programs. ======================================================================== BANKODK 1.2 2019-11-23 Shareware Program Danish Banko (Bingo). Program is in Danish. Med BANKODK kan du styre afviklingen af et Banko-spil ("Tallotteri"). BANKODK udtrækker tallene 1 - 90 i tilfældig rækkefølge. Endvidere har det indbygget 60 forskellige Banko-plader, som deltagerne samtidig kan spille med på. Hver plade har 3 rækker med 5 tal. Før et spil startes, skal du markere de plader, der er taget i brug. Hver gang et tal er trukket ud, checker BANKODK, om det findes på nogle af pladerne. Når det finder "BANKO" på 1, 2 eller 3 rækker (hele pladen), får du besked herom. Hvis du ønsker det, kan du få oplyst vinderpladernes numre. Desuden kan du nårsomhelst under spillet se den aktuelle status for en vilkårlig af de plader, der er i brug. Registreringsgebyret for BANKODK er 50 kr. Når man betaler dette, får man tilsendt den registrerede version af BANKODK samt en udskrift af de indbyggede Banko-spilleplader, som skal anvendes af deltagerne i spil- let. ======================================================================== COCKHUNT 1.0 1994-08-02 Public Domain Program In this exciting game you have to shoot your neighbour's cock, which is hiding inside the hen house! The hen house is regarded as a coordinate system, and it requires a little mathematical skill as well as a bit of luck to hit the cock. For persons who are learning the basic concepts of coordinate systems (e.g. school children), COCKHUNT may serve as a very entertaining practice. Some help is available in the program. More detailed information may be found in the file COCKHUNT.DOC. ======================================================================== CRYPMAST 1.0 1997-01-18 Shareware Program File encryption and decryption. Crypto Master (CRYPMAST) offers you the ultimate encryption protection plus some unique features not found in other encryption programs. Crypto Master can be used to encrypt sensitive files to prevent others from reading them or using them. If you are going to send files over a public network, e.g. the Internet, it may also be a good idea to use Crypto Master to encrypt them before they are sent. Files are encrypted using an "Encryption key". The encryption key is case sensitive and can consist of up to 32 characters, including blanks. When a file is encrypted, you may also enter an optional comment, which will be displayed when the file is decrypted. To decrypt an encrypted file, you must specify exactly the same key that was used to encrypt it, otherwise Crypto Master will not decrypt it! When Crypto Master decrypts a file, it also restores the original pro- perties of the file, i.e. date, time and attributes. Help is available in the program. No printed documentation. The registration fee for Crypto Master is USD 10 (or DKK 60 or equiva- lent in a convertible currency). In return, you will get the registered version of Crypto Master. ======================================================================== DIGCLOCK 4.0 1994-07-22 Public Domain Program Digital clock. Displays time with big digits. Other interesting features of DIGCLOCK are: - Displays day of week and date with big letters and digits. - Displays time in the form of a "linear" clock. - Moon phase may be displayed. - Signals the hour by playing a short tune. - Built-in alarm clock plays a tune when it is "wake up" time. The alarm tune is selected randomly from a choice of ten. - Color of time digits and background color may be changed while the clock is running. Help is available in the program. No printed documentation. ======================================================================== DISKGURU 2.1 2006-04-18 Shareware Program Advanced disk utility program for hard disks and diskettes. It operates on the entire physical disk, ignoring disk partitions and file system. The program can * Test a disk for errors * Search it for a byte string * Display data in sectors * Edit sector data in character and hexadecimal format (Registered version only) * Copy sectors from a hard disk to a file on a diskette (Registered version only) * Erase (i.e. destroy) the contents of an entire disk! Disk tests may be performed in either "Read only" or "Read and write" mode and every sector on the disk is tested. If an error is found, the BIOS error code is reported. The error codes may also be logged on a printer. During a read only test or a string search it is possible to display the data in the sectors being read. The display can be paused to allow rea- ding of the data. While the data display is paused, it is possible to activate a sector editor which makes it very simple to edit sector data in both character and hexadecimal mode. Disk Guru Version 2 can handle large hard disks if they support the INT 13H Extensions, which most modern hard disks do. This means that the previous maximum disk size of 1024*256*63 = 16,515,072 sectors (about 8.4 GB) imposed by the original C-H-S architecture is no longer a limi- ting factor. Using the INT 13H Extensions, Disk Guru can now handle hard disks with up to 4,294,967,295 sectors or approximately 2,199 GB! This version of Disk Guru requires at least an Intel 80386 compatible processor. If you need to run Disk Guru on an old PC, which does not have that, you can still download Disk Guru Version 1.1 (without sup- port for INT 13H Extensions) as DISKGU11.COM. Help is available in the program. No printed documentation. The registration fee for DISKGURU is USD 15 (or DKK 90 or equivalent in a convertible currency). In return, you will get the registered version of DISKGURU which includes the sector editor and the sector copy func- tion. NOTE: Most versions of Windows and OS/2 will not allow DISKGURU to work properly on a hard disk as it uses BIOS interrupt 13H that directly ac- cesses the disk. If you encounter this problem, you should prepare a DOS startup diskette or CD-ROM including DISKGURU.COM. Then boot the PC from diskette/CD-ROM and run DISKGURU from that. In this way you can always get full access to the hard disk(s), regardless of the PC's operating system. Under Windows and OS/2, DISKGURU must run in DOS full screen mo- de. ======================================================================== LOCKPC 3.0 1997-02-02 Shareware Program Locks your PC to prevent unauthorized persons from using it. With LOCKPC you can leave your PC unattended for a while without having to terminate active programs, disconnect from networks and turn the power off. LOCKPC locks it all with just one command! The PC can only be unlocked again if you enter the right key (or password). The key is case sensitive and can consist of up to 16 characters, including blanks. While the PC is locked, the time is displayed with big digits. Signifi- cant events, such as excessive failed unlock attempts and change of lock key, may be logged on a file. An optional feature called the "Hard Disk Guard" offers special protection of the PC's hard disk. The directory LOCKPC contains the unregistered version of LOCKPC plus program documentation. The registration fee for LOCKPC is USD 15 (or DKK 90 or equivalent in a convertible currency). In return, you will get the registered version of LOCKPC plus a printed "User's Guide". NOTE: LOCKPC will only work properly on a "real" DOS PC. ======================================================================== LOTTODK 3.3 2006-05-04 Shareware Program Danish Lotto. Program and documentation is in Danish. LOTTODK er beregnet til dansk Lotto. Programmet kan udskrive almindelige Lotto-kuponer med indtil 10 enkeltrækker, matematiske systemrækker samt udgangsrækker til reducerede- og chancesystemer. Tallene vælges tilfæl- digt, men desuden har man selv mulighed for at markere nogle faste tal, som SKAL medtages og/eller udelades i alle udskrevne rækker. De udskrev- ne kuponer kan endvidere gemmes på en fil til senere præmiecheck, hvor programmet checker hver enkelt række og viser antal rigtige vindertal og tillægstal. Hvis der er præmierækker (gevinstrækker), fremkommer der en meddelelse herom, og programmet spiller en strofe af "Congratulations". Registreringsgebyret for LOTTODK er 45 kr. Når man betaler dette, får man tilsendt den registrerede version af LOTTODK samt en trykt bruger- vejledning. Ønsker man også LOTTOVIK, kan man registrere begge program- mer samlet for kun 60 kr. ======================================================================== LOTTOVIK 3.3 2000-09-04 Shareware Program Nordic Viking Lotto. Program and documentation is in Danish. LOTTOVIK er beregnet til det fællesnordiske Viking Lotto, som i Danmark nu kaldes Onsdags Lotto. Det fungerer i øvrigt helt som LOTTODK. Registreringsgebyret for LOTTOVIK er 45 kr. Når man betaler dette, får man tilsendt den registrerede version af LOTTOVIK samt en trykt bruger- vejledning. ؝nsker man også LOTTODK, kan man registrere begge programmer samlet for kun 60 kr. ======================================================================== QS-UTIL 1.0 1994-08-18 Shareware Program Package QS-UTIL is a package of very useful DOS utility programs (a DOS "tool box"). Some QS-UTIL programs are most suitable in batch file programs (BAT-files), while others are intended to be used directly from the command line level. The following programs are included in the QS-UTIL package: BEEP - Produces beeps on the speaker BOOT - Performs a warm or cold boot of the PC DATEINF - Returns date information in exit code DELAY - Delays execution a specified interval of time EQHO - Enhanced ECHO batch file subcommand KEYIN - Enters characters into the keyboard buffer READFLD - Reads field from keyboard and writes it on screen READSEL - Reads selection from a list and returns its number in exit code RESTHDC - Restores hard disk configuration from diskette SAVEHDC - Saves hard disk configuration on diskette SCREEN - General screen output utility TIMEINF - Returns time information in exit code The package also includes a sample batch file, QS-MENU.BAT, that demon- strates how some of the QS-UTIL programs are used in a menu application. If you are a batch file programmer, you will find that QS-UTIL offers you many of those nice features that you have always wanted, but never found in DOS. The registration fee for QS-UTIL is USD 15 (or DKK 90 or equivalent in a convertible currency). In return, you will get the "QS-UTIL Reference Manual" with detailed descriptions of all QS-UTIL programs. NOTE: It has been found that DELAY cannot run under some versions of Windows (it produces a "Timer function failed!" error message). If you encounter this problem, you should use the newer DELAY2 instead. It is also included in the QS-UTIL.ZIP file. ======================================================================== SCRTEST 1.0 1993-08-12 Public Domain Program SCRTEST may be used to test the properties of your PC's video display screen, including: character attributes, border colors, blinking and character set. It is also very useful for adjusting brightness and contrast on the screen. Help is available in the program. No printed documentation. NOTE: To work properly under Windows and OS/2, SCRTEST must run in DOS full screen mode. ======================================================================== DELDUPL 1.0 2006-02-22 Command Script DELDUPL.CMD deletes duplicate lines in a sorted text file. Call syntax: DELDUPL.CMD file file: Name of the file in which duplicate lines are to be deleted. The result will be written to a new file where "_NODUPL" has been ap- pended to the file name. Example of call: DELDUPL.CMD C:\DATA\VALUES.TXT Duplicate lines in the file C:\DATA\VALUES.TXT are deleted and the re- sult is written to a new file called C:\DATA\VALUES_NODUPL.TXT NOTE: The script may fail if lines in the text file contain the charac- ter " (double quote). ======================================================================== FLCOPY 1.6 2014-04-11 Command Script FLCOPY.CMD copies files and directories specified in a list. It is very useful for backing up and restoring groups of files. Call syntax: FLCOPY.CMD file-list source dest [modify-date|LCD] file-list: File with the names of files and directories to be copied, one name per line. The following options may be specified after each name: /S - Subdirectories are also to be copied /N - No logging of files being copied /Comment - Any comment you may want to include The file must have the extension .FLS, which is not speci- fied in the call. The name of the file, including any path, cannot contain blanks. source: Source drive and directory. dest: Destination drive and directory. modify-date: Only copy files that have been created or modified on or after this date (MM-DD-YYYY; optional). If the file 'file- list.LCD' exists, then 'modify-date' may also be specified as LCD which returns the last copy date for that file list. If any of the parameters 'source' and 'dest' contain blanks, they must be enclosed in " (double qoutes). The result from each file copy will be written to a file with the same name and location as 'file-list', but with the extension .LOG. A log file called FLCOPY.LOG in the destination directory is also updated with a summary of the copied files. After the files are copied, a file called 'file-list.LCD' with the current date in MM-DD-YYYY format is created. It may be used to specify the modify date next time FLCOPY is used with the same file list. Example of call: FLCOPY.CMD MY_Docs C: D:\Backup 12-15-2005 The files and directories specified in MY_Docs.FLS are copied from drive C: to D:\Backup, but only files from Dec. 15, 2005 or after are included. The result will be written to a file called MY_Docs.LOG Example of file list: Documents\*.doc /S /All doc files in directory Documents and subdir.s E-mail /All files in directory E-mail Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs /S /N WINDOWS\KB*.LOG /All LOG files in WINDOWS whose names begin with KB Shared\SESSION.LOG* /The file SESSION.LOG in directory Shared NOTE: When copying a single file, put an * after the file name to indi- cate that it is a file, not a directory. The File lists used by FLCOPY.CMD may also be used by FLDEL.CMD. By means of FLCOPY.CMD and FLDEL.CMD it is possible to create and maintain a synchronized backup of selected directories. You can use FLCOPY.CMD to create and update the backup directories and then use FLDEL.CMD to automatically delete files in them that no longer exist in the original source directories. ======================================================================== FLDEL 1.2 2009-11-07 Command Script FLDEL.CMD deletes unmatched files in backup directories specified in a list. It may be used to automatically delete files in backup directories that no longer exist in the original source directories. Call syntax: FLDEL.CMD file-list backup source file-list: File with the names of directories where unmatched files are to be deleted, one name per line. The following options may be spe-cified after each name: /S - Files in subdirectories are also to be deleted /N - No logging of files being deleted /Comment - Any comment you may want to include The file must have the extension .FLS, which is not speci- fied in the call. The name of the file, including any path, cannot contain blanks. backup: Backup drive and directory. source: Original source drive and directory. If any of the parameters 'backup' and 'source' contain blanks, they must be enclosed in " (double qoutes). The result from each file de- letion will be written to a file with the same name and location as 'file-list', but with the extension .LOG. A log file called FLDEL.LOG in the backup directory is also updated with a summary of the copied files. Example of call: FLDEL.CMD MY_Docs D:\Backup C: Files in directories specified in MY_Docs.FLS are deleted in D:\Backup if they don't have a match in the original source directories on drive C:. The result will be written to a file called MY_Docs.LOG Example of File list: Documents\*.doc /S /All doc files in directory Documents and subdir.s E-mail /All files in directory E-mail Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\VirusDefs /S /N WINDOWS\KB*.LOG /All LOG files in WINDOWS whose names begin with KB NOTE: Hidden and system files and files with the character "&" in their names cannot be deleted due to system limitations. FLDEL.CMD may use the same File lists as FLCOPY.CMD. By means of FLCOPY. CMD and FLDEL.CMD it is possible to create and maintain a synchronized backup of selected directories. You can use FLCOPY.CMD to create and up- date the backup directories and then use FLDEL.CMD to automatically de- lete files in them that no longer exist in the original source direc- tories. ======================================================================== PINGTEST 1.0 2018-07-11 Command Script PINGTEST.CMD may be used to repeatedly ping a device on a local network or on the Internet. It can be very useful if you need to troubleshoot problems in a network or with a specific device. It takes two optional arguments: 1: IP address of the target device. It may be either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. IPv4 addresses are checked for correct syntax while IPv6 addresses are processed without any validation. If no IP address is specified, the IP address of the Default Gateway will be used. You may also specify an asterisk (*) to indicate that this address is to be used. 2: Number of ping tests to run. If no number is specified, the test will run until it is interrupted by pressing Ctrl+C. The test runs every 60 seconds. A summary of the ping tests is written to a PingLog file while the reply from each ping test is written to a PingReply file. The PingReply file may be used for further analysis of problems and errors listed in the PingLog file. Examples of call: PINGTEST.CMD 10 -- Pings ten times PINGTEST.CMD -- Pings until interrupted PINGTEST.CMD * 60 -- Pings Default Gateway 60 times IMPORTANT NOTICE if you are using a non-English Windows version: PINGTEST.CMD has been developed for an English language Windows 10 ver- sion. It calls the commands NSLOOKUP, IPCONFIG and PING and searches the output for some specific text strings. These text strings may be diffe- rent in other language versions of Windows. If you are using a non-Eng- lish Windows version, you may therefore have to replace the text strings in this script with the corresponding ones from your language version. ======================================================================== General information about Shareware The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) gives the following definition of Shareware: "Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality (in both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!). The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. So, Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it." ======================================================================== All QualiSoft Shareware programs may be evaluated freely for a period of one month. If you decide to keep a program after that period, you must register it and pay the requested registration fee. In return, you will get the registered version of the program and the printed documentation (if available). If you want to register some Shareware programs, please send us an E-mail with the names of the programs and your contact information. We will then send you a confirmation E-mail with payment instructions. You may copy and distribute our unregistered Shareware and Public Domain programs, but you MUST NOT modify them or resell them. Registered Share- ware programs may only be used by the persons who have registered them, and they MUST NOT be distributed or sold. It is our aim to provide quality programs at reasonable prices (or even free!). However, your suggestions for improvements are always welcome. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments! QualiSoft Svend Erik Baarsby Pileurtvej 4, Kragehave DK-2630 Taastrup DENMARK Tel: +45 46 56 00 11 E-mail: qualisoft@alfaland.com Website: alfaland.com/qs-prog.htm Quality Software at User Friendly Prices QS-DESC.TXT 2019-11-23 Copyright (C) QualiSoft 1993-2019